Saturday, June 23, 2012

Poems With Autumn and Alaina: Robert Louis Stevenson

Today we biked to the Brimley State Park to visit Grandma and Grandmpa Eles, who are camping there for the weekend. We stopped at a few garage sales, ate ice cream at the Bear's Den, met their new dog Misty, walked on the beach, and recited some poetry. This week the girls worked on learning poems by Robert Louis Stevenson. This task was made easier by listening to some of the music by Ted Jacobs that we absolutely adore. You can find and even listen to his music at this website:

ted jacobs CDs

Or, you can click on the video below to here one of his songs....we highly recommend these CDs. Everyone in our family enjoys them, so they are great for both young and old, and you can learn wonderful poetry just by listening to the music. (I want the artist to write more songs using other poets materials so I am giving him a little plug in hopes of boosting his sales so he will keep on creating!)


                           Here is Autumn reciting "My Shadow" by Robert Louis Stevenson

                  Here are Autumn and Alaina singing "The Swing" by: Robert Louis Stevenson

This is Autumn reciting "The Slide". It was written by her! It is a play on R.L. Stevenson's "The Swing."

1 comment:

  1. Kenzie says she liked them all. I especially like the slide. Are you going to be in another play at the theatre? You seem to be a natural!


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